Snow Removal

Effective snow removal requires car-free streets. So, though the Town recognizes that it can be inconvenient to find off-street parking, it is sometimes necessary for the safe and complete plowing of Town streets. Accordingly, cars must not be parked on the street when they will interfere with snow clearing operations.

Follow us on social media for current information on winter parking bans and snow removal operations.

Town of New Glasgow on Facebook     Town of New Glasgow on Instagram

Did you Know?

Our winter operations utilize a Salt Management Plan with state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to record the location and amount of salt used by vehicles in our fleet. Using skilled operators and modern equipment, we can provide a high level of service to our residents while reducing the amount of salt used on our streets.

The operators follow an established, prioritized route for snow removal. The Town’s fleet is equipped with a GPS system that allows for real-time monitoring.